3 Hour Intensive
Sunday, March 3, 2019

Come learn the sexy and passionate art of Argentine Tango with
Silvana Brizuela and Juan Bedoya
3-hour intensive Tango Boot camp
Sunday, March 3 from 12:30-3:30pm
Registration at 12:15pm
Come learn Tango in a comfortable, relaxed, and open environment!
If you would like to speed up your learning process, then THIS is the bootcamp to join!
Who can come?
This will be an all level intensive crash course and everybody is welcome-- whether or not you have Tango experience.
Lead? Follow? Both are welcome
No need to bring a partner, but encourage any of your friends to come and join for more fun!
What will we be learning?
Everything you wanted to know about Argentine tango so you can enjoy going out dancing ahead of your schedule.
We will include all of the foundations, lead and follow, embrace, posture, music, etiquette, improvisation technique and more.
Argentine Tango is a partnered social dance. Connection with your partner and movement together to the music is emphasized over flashy moves.
Part 1--We will learn/review all the principals of tango, posture, balance, body awareness, weight transfer/change and transferring your partner’s weight.
Connection/adaptation in the embrace, walking principals with different rhythms
Part 2 --- Circular movements and spiral concepts (ochos, giros, enrosques)
Part 3 --- Putting it all together: improvisation, musicality and how to navigate the milonga dance floor.
Getting ready…..
• Bring shoes that pivot (make turns)
• Wear comfortable clothes that provide ease of movement
• No partner necessary. Bring a friend or two if you like
• Be ready to have fun and meet new people! Tango is a social dance
• Listen to some tango music, it’ll get you in the mood for dancing
• Be there early. We won't be able to recap for late arrivals
• Let's dance!
Argentine tango is an improvised social dance that is danced all over the world by young and old people.
Learn to lead and follow with confidence, surrender to the music and relax in the embrace of your dance partner.
You WILL learn to dance Argentine Tango at this Boot Camp and have fun doing it!
Juan Bedoya and Karla Rotavinsky Cadavid were also on the Stage Tango competition of the Tango World Championship in Buenos Aires on August 27, 2013.
Cost for the 3 hour Boot camp:
$60 for general admission
$55 for TSB members—your name must be on the membership list
$45 for students with valid ID
** Regular DU Class passes will not be accepted this time.
Dance Union, 16 Bow Street, 2nd Floor, Union Square, Somerville MA
Watch a bit of Juan David Here:
Silvana Brizuela and Juan Bedoya
3-hour intensive Tango Boot camp
Sunday, March 3 from 12:30-3:30pm
Registration at 12:15pm
Come learn Tango in a comfortable, relaxed, and open environment!
If you would like to speed up your learning process, then THIS is the bootcamp to join!
Who can come?
This will be an all level intensive crash course and everybody is welcome-- whether or not you have Tango experience.
Lead? Follow? Both are welcome
No need to bring a partner, but encourage any of your friends to come and join for more fun!
What will we be learning?
Everything you wanted to know about Argentine tango so you can enjoy going out dancing ahead of your schedule.
We will include all of the foundations, lead and follow, embrace, posture, music, etiquette, improvisation technique and more.
Argentine Tango is a partnered social dance. Connection with your partner and movement together to the music is emphasized over flashy moves.
Part 1--We will learn/review all the principals of tango, posture, balance, body awareness, weight transfer/change and transferring your partner’s weight.
Connection/adaptation in the embrace, walking principals with different rhythms
Part 2 --- Circular movements and spiral concepts (ochos, giros, enrosques)
Part 3 --- Putting it all together: improvisation, musicality and how to navigate the milonga dance floor.
Getting ready…..
• Bring shoes that pivot (make turns)
• Wear comfortable clothes that provide ease of movement
• No partner necessary. Bring a friend or two if you like
• Be ready to have fun and meet new people! Tango is a social dance
• Listen to some tango music, it’ll get you in the mood for dancing
• Be there early. We won't be able to recap for late arrivals
• Let's dance!
Argentine tango is an improvised social dance that is danced all over the world by young and old people.
Learn to lead and follow with confidence, surrender to the music and relax in the embrace of your dance partner.
You WILL learn to dance Argentine Tango at this Boot Camp and have fun doing it!
Juan Bedoya and Karla Rotavinsky Cadavid were also on the Stage Tango competition of the Tango World Championship in Buenos Aires on August 27, 2013.
Cost for the 3 hour Boot camp:
$60 for general admission
$55 for TSB members—your name must be on the membership list
$45 for students with valid ID
** Regular DU Class passes will not be accepted this time.
Dance Union, 16 Bow Street, 2nd Floor, Union Square, Somerville MA
Watch a bit of Juan David Here: